Type in good anwser

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This exercise can be used in most cases. This will allow us to visualize the level of knowledge acquired in our training. It consists in typing
the correct answer in the text box and confirming the answer with the "enter" key.

The first step is to add a text box containing a question or a thesis,


Select the Quiz tab on the left side of the screen, then choose a good answer.




On the stage we see an additional empty window, we will change its size and place in the appropriate place for us. We copy the size of our question
window and paste the size into a new window so that our windows will be the same size, we put them on the stage according to our concept.




For this type of quiz, there will usually be more than one question on the stage, 
and we also need to include the correct answer window, after adding the listed content, the scene looks like this:



As you can see the basic graphic layer is prepared: we have command fields, answers as well as fields in which we will put the correct answers. In order 
for our exercise to work properly, we will set up our exercise by clicking on one of the answer windows and entering the properties we will see:





The settings are divided into sections:




  • Basic settings - include:
  • placeholder - we digitally position the item on the stage.
  • default value - specifies the initial content visible in the window
  • Font size - font size
  • Max character set - specifies the "capacity" of the text window
  • Casesensitive -
  • text aligmnet: text formatting - right. left, middle

Good anwsers




In the above box we type the correct answer.





  • Mark questions - marking questions
  • Turn on feedbacks - Feedback that is correct / wrong answer
  • check exercise by pressing "enter" - check the exercise performed after pressing the enter key.



  • That is the answer that appears after the correct / incorrect solution of the exercise.


Let's go to the configuration of our exercise, the most important for us in the properties tab is "good anwsers" in it we will enter
the correct answers to be entered in the text fields of our 4 exercises




In our example this looks like this:

  • window 1

  • window 2 

  • window 3

  • window 4


After you run our exercise we will note why it is worth use. The text formatting function from the top of the window presents
us formatting: from the left, from the inside and from the right. If you enter the correct answer, the text window turns green.
In the case of a faulty answer, white motion is still activated in the movement of the window.


In addition, we can change the way we check our exercise - instead of pressing the "enter" key after entering the correct answers
we can add a button which we will check all the exercises at the same time.




Now that we have activated the button, we will assign a trigger to the exercise: click on the button, click on the action
in the action list, click on the effect, check the exercise, and select all four text fields with the gray field next to the "target".


The next step is to go to the settings of each exercise text box and disable the - check exercise by pressing "enter" function. To do this we enter the properties of each field 
and deselect the checkbox.



By disabling the above option, the exercise will be checked with the "check exercise" button, remember to click on it after each correct answer.