Fill in blanks quiz

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This exercise is mainly designed for working with text, it consists in introducing a text in which we "sketch" part of the word.
The purpose of the presentation user is to enter the appropriate words in the appropriate fields.

The first step is to enter the "quiz" tab and select the exercise fill the blanks.



A text box with a frame will appear on the stage to indicate the type of exercise you have chosen:




The next step is to enter any text in the text field - the parts of it will be used to determine what words are to be entered
by the participant of the presentation.




The next step is to select the words that we want to use in our exercise. We highlight them all by highlighting them - after selecting
them over the selected word, a menu will appear, allowing us to specify the words we want.




Clicking on the word "Input" will add the word "which" to our exercise which will be presented as follows.




In addition to the fact that the word we choose is in "grayed out" form, after clicking "grayed out frame" you will
see a popup with a window showing the correct answer.




The exercise can contain any number of words to be typed - we mark it. And we add them in the same way.




At the moment we have identified all the words we have added and added them to the exercise. Create text boxes
containing words to be entered in the appropriate fields. We also add a header with a command for our exercise.




Our presentation looks rather modest, using borders, shadows and ready-made styles we can make it look more attractive.
The last step is to add a button to verify that the correct answer is entered.




Use the triggers for the "check exercise" button to add the following items:
Action - click
What to do - check the exercise, and mark with our gray triggers our exercise.



After entering the correct answers in the appropriate windows we will see:




Wrong answers will be signaled as follows:




As you can see, the exercise signals us which answers are correct and which ones are wrong.


The last element of the exercise that we present is the Properties tab and available go to Options and Settings




Options include:

Multiple choice - the ability to enter several words in one window.
Enable feedback - displays a message with a good or bad response.
Answering - the answer is a function that indicates that the green answer is correct and that the red is wrong.
Show button - this will display the "Confirm" button, which will check the exercise.
Check enter - after selecting the checkbox, check the exercise by pressing Enter.
After a good response - the window contains a reply that we can determine the content.
After the wrong answer - the window contains a reply that we can determine the content.


Enable the scroll bar - checkbox after which we can scroll the content of the exercise, used when the content of our training is extensive.
Indent - a tool for positioning a text window.